Wednesday, May 03, 2006

late night update

I have been having a lot of trouble getting online so wanted to post this as an update. My grandfather came through the heart surgery well. He ended up with five bypass grafts. I came home to be with him and my family during the surgery and help during recovery so that is where I am now. He is tired, but doing fine.

I am mostly hanging around the house, feeding animals, taking care of Pop, playing dominoes with him, filling bird feeders, working out, playing with dogs, watering everyone, making dinners, doing dishes, reading, talking on the phone, texting, planning, etc.

I had a therapy appt via phone today; it went well. No tisses. No big issues. I still have lots to think about, but it's not bad necessarily. I am just trying to enjoy being home and being helpful and everything. So far so good.


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