Saturday, November 11, 2006

Patients call me Laurie

Now my most recent addition to the "Who do you look like" saga consists of a patient calling me Laurie (when I'm not there--the nurses ratted him out, much to his chagrin).

He thinks I look like Laura Ingells--from Little House on the prairie.

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Why is it always frontier women? First Dr. Quinn, and now this. I don't churn my own butter, you know. Besides, butter clogs your arteries.

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Blogger Molecular Turtle said...

I would say that you do bear some resemblence:)

9:15 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger S. said...

Is it just because I did the braid thing?!?

No, actually, when I looked the picture up I saw it, too, even though I didn't want to admit it at first!

8:13 PM, November 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, at least he didn't say you looked like Nellie...wasn't that the awful, bratty, bitchy one that they all hated? Laura Ingalls is cute...and maybe it's your grittiness that makes them equate you with a pioneer broad....better that a socialite or something...maybe it's the horseback riding, or the down-to-earthiness...or it could just be the braids...hmm....♥

8:14 PM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Molecular Turtle said...

i think it's more than the braid, you guys seem to have similar features.

9:08 AM, November 19, 2006  

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