Thursday, September 28, 2006

Cherish your Blues

With time and age the part of our eyes that filter light become stained with the pollutants of this world. Your filter becomes yellower the older you get. And because of this, as you age, you cannot see blues as vividly.

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It is said that when this began happening to Pablo Picasso, he became obsessed with the color blue and with trying to re-create the vivid blues that he saw with his young eyes...but would never again see with his old ones.

The sunset over the Pacific was beautiful tonight. The vivid blue of the sky behind the pink clouds and the increasingly pink then dark water with surfers silhouetted against the light.

Cherish your blues.


Blogger Molecular Turtle said...

That was pretty neat, is it something you wrote or some else's material?

4:54 PM, October 04, 2006  
Blogger S. said...

I wrote it. It's not my painting (Picasso, you know :-), but the writing is all me. Glad you liked it...

10:37 PM, October 04, 2006  

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