Sunday, July 02, 2006


Gram has been having a tough time with the whole family lately. Well, a good portion of it. Plus she has been having to work more because her co-worker's husband is very sick and starting dialysis.

My cousin has decided than she is a lesbian. I don't really care what she chooses to do with her sexual preferences. I don't really think it will last, though (LUG=Lesbian Until Graduation). She likes to prove how open-minded and liberal she is and I think this might fit into that catergory. But my grandparents don't like it (which actually sort of surprises me) and won't let her girlfriend over to their place. So my cousin has not been out either.

Then there's the ongoing stuff (maybe resolving?) with my parents who are in Michigan together now.

And of course the tragedy with my aunt's brother being killed by his girlfriend.


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